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We create next-level brands for people building something special.

Founder interview with The Brand Identiy

"From its humble beginnings as a one-man operation to becoming a respected name in expressive, personality-driven branding, Angel & Anchor’s journey is one that TBI has been thrilled to follow. As the Belfast-based design studio celebrates its 10th anniversary, we sat down with Founder & Creative Director Ben Connolly to reflect on this decade of creative evolution. And what a decade it’s been! In this comprehensive interview, Connolly looks back on the studio’s growth, vital lessons learned, and his shift from hands-on designer to Creative Director.⁠⁠In the run-up to revealing Angel & Anchor’s refreshed brand identity and new website, he also reflects on how both the studio and he himself have transformed over the years – from wrestling with perfectionism to embracing collaboration and nurturing meaningful, long-lasting relationships.⁠⁠"

Read the full interview with A&A founder, Ben Connolly, here.

A&A is Ten!–celebrating a decade of design

That’s an entire decade of creative projects–big and small, for spirited founders to large-scale teams. We’re incredibly proud to reach this milestone and deeply grateful to everyone who’s been part of our journey—clients, creative collaborators, and supporters from near and far. Your trust and support mean everything to us. It’s been a wild ride so far, and in many ways, it feels like we’re just getting started!From day one, we’ve been driven by a commitment to excellence, always striving to push boundaries, and putting people at the heart of it all.

Ten years later, we're excited to continue helping people build something they can be truly proud of. Ready to level things up? Send us an email and let’s make something remarkable together.

Closing our side-hustle, Final Final

After five years, we are closing our brand on the side, Final Final. It was our place to learn how to design and source products, a break from client work, and another brand to grow over a longer period of time.

As A&A continues, it’s becoming harder to put our all in to Final Final. It’s time to move on and clear a bit of desk space!

As part of the close, we have a huge sale online, with huge savings. Grab some early Christmas gifts here.

Featured in ‘Designing Coffee’ Book by Lani Kingston

We are so honoured to have our brand identity & packaging design for Process Coffee featured in Designing Coffee. The coffee table book showcases some of the best in global cafe interiors, visual identity and packaging. It means a lot then that author, Lani Kingston, and publisher, Gestalten, included us.

Photo credit: Counterprint

Featured in ‘Animal Logos’ Book by Counterprint

Our work has been featured in Counterprint’s latest release, ‘Animal Logo.’ Four of our logo designs made the cut, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! Huge thanks to Counter-Print for the honor, and a special shoutout to our clients for entrusting us in the first place.

Logos included for Triple Co Roast, Well Fired Pizza, New Kid Coffee, Lucky Duck Chinese.

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